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Ink Factory artists draw live at events and meetings

Ink Factory is your visual communication partner

Engage your audience, employees, and clients through visual storytelling. Ink Factory is more than a team of skilled artists. We identify your most important content and bring it to life through drawing.

Turn your ideas into easy-to-understand, captivating, and engaging visuals—a keynote speech, your monthly virtual meeting, or a new strategy rollout. Visuals can help you achieve your goals. How can we help you?

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Ink Factory is a team of visual note-takers

Virtual & In-Person Visual Notes

Drawings created in real-time using simple words and pictures. Perfect for wowing audiences at events like meetings, trade shows, webinars, and conferences.

See In-Person |  See Virtual



Public and private classes for all ages on how to think, learn and communicate visually by drawing. Achieve your goals and improve your memory and cognition with visual note-taking.

For IndividualsFor Teams

Illustrations by Ink Factory


Drawings that we create with your team to communicate a complex message. The digital final product can be projected, printed, or wallpapered on your office walls.

See examples

Ink Factory makes Videos


Pictures that pop off the page to tell your organization’s story. Time lapses, stop motion, and digital animations are all tailored to your company’s culture.

See examples


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“Everyone was in awe of their talent and appreciative of the visual notes to help us continue the discussion.”
Erin Kieffner, Associate Director, Software Development at One Main Financial

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2019 Client Logos - Ink Factory

You're in good company

Think of us as your visual communication partner. The companies we work with know that visuals are the key to engaging employees and customers. We help our clients communicate their ideas and create engaging experiences through live visual note-taking, hand-drawn illustrations, and animated videos.

Partner with us



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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have an artist that's specialized in my industry?

All our artists are expertly trained to listen and filter what’s being said in the moment– regardless of the content being discussed.


Do you have an artist in my area?

Our core team is based in Chicago, but we have an extended pro network in almost every region–and we can also support your event virtually!


Can you match our company branding?

Yes, whether we’re creating live visual notes, illustrations, or videos, we work with you to align with your brand. We’re an illustration company, not a graphic design firm, so we create work that is hand-drawn. While we can match your tone and colors, the work on our website is a good representation of what we can create for you.


What’s the difference between visual notes and illustrations?

Visual notes are based on live content and created during a speech, presentation, meeting, etc. Visual Notes aid in memory retention and recall long after the meeting or event ends.

Illustrations are intended to communicate to an audience as a stand-alone visual tool for viewers to navigate and learn. Our illustrations are based on carefully curated content iterated and visualized using multiple review cycles.



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Visuals communicate, engage, and inspire

Communicate a complex story to your clients, employees, or partners.

Generate excitement for your event, service, or product, in print or online.

Engage attendees at virtual and in-person events like conferences and trade shows.

Spark creative thinking and problem solving within your organization.

Boost clarity, productivity, and alignment in team meetings.

And so much more! Get in touch with us to create a visual experience that achieves your goals. 

Let's get started!