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Animate your story

Any organization, big or small, has a story to tell - we’ve created videos for everyone from small non-profits to Fortune 100 companies. Get in touch and we’ll discuss the best way to tell your story.

Videos are great for:
  • Sparking action, like buying or donating
  • Explaining complex concepts and processes
  • Creating a buzz around an event or product launch
  • Sharing your story on demand

Start your project


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Introducing Sketchbook Videos

Our newest video offering–Sketchbook videos are our fastest-to-produce and most affordable video service.

See examples

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Animation that works for you

Brand Storytelling

Nothing tells a story better than video. Give life to your message and share it with the world.

Explainer Videos

Clarifying complex concepts and processes is easy when all you have to do is press play.


Videos with hand-drawn visuals grab attention and motivate your customers to take action.


Engaging stories and captivating visuals spark empathy in your audience.

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What clients are saying about our videos

drive engagement visual thumbnail

“Thanks to the animated video Ink Factory created for us, our story has been shared, liked, retweeted, and enjoyed by thousands.”


Inspire Attendees visually thumbnail

“Ink Factory team was able to visualize a very complex concept and condense thousands of words into a short, smooth, and powerful video!”

Weini lao, huawei technologies USA

guide your team

“The video makes a big difference in how we communicate our purpose to our folks and does so in a meaningful way.”

michele catalano, west monroe partners


Working on your animated video

How long does creating a video take?

A standard three-minute video takes anywhere from 5-8 weeks, depending on the script and visual style, as well as when your team is available to meet for feedback during the production process.

What do our videos cost?

We have a range of options to serve different budgets. Since there are so many factors that go into creating one of our videos, we like to discuss your vision over the phone before we create a custom quote for your video.

What are my responsibilities?

You’ll need a small team of no more than three people who are available to give feedback and final approval on production milestones. After you hand off your content or a rough script, our team handles the entire production process, from script refinement to voice-over recording.

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you talk. we draw. it’s awesome.

Talk to one of our project managers to see how an animated video can share your message.

Get in touch