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How to Make Training Videos that Employees Actually Watch

Training videos. At some point, we’ve all had to watch one. They are often boring, lifeless, and long information dumps. Are you an employer finding that after spending your valuable resources on these videos they’re not being watched? Or perhaps your employees instantly forget the information your videos are supposed to impart? How on earth are you supposed to make training videos that employees actually want to watch (and remember)?


We created two employee training videos for West Monroe Partners


Employee training videos often go unwatched or undigested

Well, you’re not alone. In a recent article written for Alison Davis, founder and CEO of Davis & Company, a leader in Strategic Internal Communications consulting, says employees aren’t watching your videos because “they’re just not that compelling.” In addition to missing excitement, Davis goes on to list the six common mistakes employer training videos make which include:

  • Lacking emotion
  • Being too long or too short
  • “Nothing happening” in the video itself


A still image from a Land of Lincoln Healthcare Video educating customers of different plan tiers

At Ink Factory, we craft videos that put engagement at the top of our list – so your employees actually remember what you’re trying to tell them.


Ink Factory listens with purpose, and listening for a living has given us the ability to locate the most important pieces of information within your content. So, whether you’re coming to us with a full script or no script at all, we’ll filter your content with our writing and creative team to help you weed out unnecessary information. This process allows the most important pieces to stand out which is necessary to make your story more compelling.


Storyboard sketches for an animated video

Did you know images and emotions are processed in the same area of the brain?

Visuals make it easier to establish a connection with your audience so you can get your message across quicker and more effectively. Once we’ve helped you structure your message—and made sure your script doesn’t go over our sweet spot of three minutes—we’ll begin storyboarding using visuals as metaphors to perfectly communicate your message. Then we’ll mix in some animation, pair it with the voice over and a great beat, and end up with a powerful video unique to your company.


Our employee training videos have six core benefits:


explain Explain complex concepts

connectConnect emotionally to your content

shareEncourage people to share your content

inspireInspire people to take action

engageEngage them with your content

alignGet everyone on the same page


Appealing visuals are more engaging

Your video can and should be aesthetically engaging too! At Ink Factory, we steer clients away from traditional whiteboard videos to open up a world of visual possibilities. If the content doesn’t get your employees more engaged, we’re pretty sure making it look beautiful, authentic, and different will draw them in and help them stay focused.


This video for Wintrust Bank educates new employees on the history of their company


Make the most of your employee training video budget

Employee training and development is crucial to building a successful business. Don’t waste your time creating training videos that don’t land with employees. Get in touch and we can discuss how to bring your message to life today.