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Skillshare Note Taking Classes We Love

While we were creating our first-ever Skillshare course, we found so many incredible Skillshare Note-Taking classes for deepening visual communication skills. There are so many classes on Skillshare that are excellent supplements to your visual note-taking learning. Here are the courses that we took and absolutely loved!


Hand Lettering Practice: 3 Easy Steps to Explore New Typography Styles

This class, taught by illustrator and lettering artist Vinitha Mammen, takes a deep dive into hand lettering. She walks you through her workflow and steps for drawing one letter in 9 different ways. She then encourages you to do this for the entire alphabet. With all of the helpful tips and tricks that Vinitha has from her years of experience, you will leave this class feeling ready to practice hand lettering in many different styles. This is a great workshop to deepen your understanding and strengthen your skills for drawing titles and main points in visual note-taking.


Everyone Can Draw! 5 Drawing Exercises for Non-Drawers

The most common thing we hear people say is “I can’t even draw a stick figure!” Well, this class, taught by watercolor storyteller Fatih Mıstaçoğlu, will change that. Fatih makes this class accessible to non-drawers with his sentiment that, “Drawing is about capturing a moment you want to enjoy later and you can do that with wiggly lines, curved lines, uncertain lines or even incomplete lines.” We couldn’t agree more! In visual note-taking, drawing is a tool to capture an idea. It doesn’t matter if it’s perfect, what matters is how useful the drawing is to you! Get ready to overcome your fear of drawing and enjoy this fun course.


Color Theory for Illustrators: A Fun Beginner’s Guide to Creative Color

Color is an important part of visual note-taking. You can take visual notes just by using color to show visual hierarchy on a page! Understanding color theory can go a long way toward improving the organization of your visual notes. This course, taught by illustrator Brooke Glaser, is a perfect introduction to color theory and how to effectively use colors in illustrations. All of the concepts that she shares can easily apply to visual notes as well, and are important to learn for developing visual hierarchy in your notes. Brooke does a great job of explaining what can feel like complex concepts in an easy-to-follow way, along with helpful exercises and examples. We definitely recommend taking this course if you are new to color theory!


Procreate Color Palettes: A Simple Process for Stand-Out Palettes

Once you get more comfortable with using colors, it can still be hard to choose which ones to use. This course is a great introduction to creating color palettes in Procreate. Taught by artist and online educator Kiley Bennett, this course is helpful for those who are using, or want to explore using, the program Procreate to create digital art on a tablet. We do a lot of our work digitally on Procreate, and this class is great for anyone interested in pursuing digital visual note-taking. Not only will she teach you how to create well-balanced color palettes, but she has a great eye for how to make your color palettes really stand out.


Illustrated Journaling: 14 Days of Prompts

This course, taught by illustrator Dylan Mierzwinski, provides 14 low-pressure, stress-relieving journal prompts that are helpful for warming up and practicing some of your new visual note-taking skills. Each lesson includes a prompt, coming up with a list of items to draw, finding references if needed, picking out a limited color palette, and getting it all on the page. Although this is slightly different from live visual note-taking, we think it’s great practice for a lot of similar skills and a lot of fun!


Have you tried out our Skillshare Note Taking course?

If you haven’t had a chance to take our Skillshare course, Draw Your Notes: Intro to Visual Note-Taking, we recommend following our link to get your first month free. You can then use that time to explore some of these other great courses and start on your visual note-taking journey. We can’t wait to see what you create!

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