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Our Top Visual Virtual Event Ideas for More Engagement

Now that all of our content is online it’s important to think of how your virtual event will stand out from the crowd. It’s easy for us to feel “Zoomed-Out” and tired from a week of online meetings. Fight virtual burnout with visual communications, which will help keep meetings fresh, engaging, and on-track. Here are 8 virtual event ideas that will wow your virtual audiences and create a complete visual experience.

Virtual Event Idea #1

Welcome & Agenda Visuals

Working remotely can feel tiresome, especially with meeting agendas boxed into the same bullet lists. Provide a dynamic and captivating start to the day with a Welcome piece that pops off the screen. In addition, you can keep your meeting on track with a visually driven agenda that communicates bigger goals.


Virtual Event Idea #2

Live Virtual Visual Note-Taking

Visual note-taking elevates your content. A live artist will highlight the key ideas in your presentations and will help your participants stay engaged through easy-to-understand drawings. We’ve had audiences say watching visual notes alongside a webinar made them more thoughtful about the conversation.



Virtual Event Ideas #3 & #4

Virtual Sponsorship Highlights & Branded Content

It’s harder to court sponsors for events in the virtual space, because there is less visibility to offer brands. But a virtual conference platform gives you one advantage: you have more control over what your attendees will see. Put your partner companies front-and-center by giving them the main screen. Our virtual visual notes have the flexibility to incorporate branding colors, logos, and visual cues to highlight event sponsors.

“Our sponsors like having that intention–it’s a great benefit to our business partners to put their brand and logo on the graphic recordings.”




Virtual Event Idea #5

Event Recaps

Virtual events are easier to miss. We no longer have the same travel commitments or venue bookings, so there’s less at stake. One of our clients was hosting a free webinar, and had upwards of 600 registered attendees. However, they said they only expected half of them to dial-in live. Their post-event strategy was to send everyone on the registration list a thank-you email, featuring the final artwork created in their session. They knew that an energized, appealing visual might bring some of the no-shows back to revisit the webinar.


Virtual Event Idea #6

Virtual Backgrounds

We can’t be in person as much as we’d like to right now, and many people are missing a human touch. Hand-drawn visuals can lend something personal and emotional to your content and bring an authentic, human element into a virtual workplace. Virtual backgrounds also differentiate your attendees from your key speakers, sponsors, or other roles. Add more fun and levity by illustrating personalized information to spark networking connections.


Virtual Event Ideas #7 & #8

Social Media Content & Time-lapses

Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than those without images (Buffer). Creating files optimized for social feeds based on your event’s visual notes will help to spread the message before, or after, your event. We’ve also created time-lapse videos of the virtual visual note-taking process to provide a bite-sized, feed-friendly add-on. This is a fantastic way to grab attention on social and to remind people what you’re all about.

Unsure of how to make your virtual event special? Get in touch today and we’ll work with you to create a custom, virtual, visual experience for your attendees.